Monday, April 13, 2015

The Roller Coaster that is Fitness

Why is that I can come up with a million reasons not to work out and eat healthy, complain about how I've gained weight, how I have no energy, when I know that a year ago I was in great shape, eating right, and had all the energy in the world? 

I swear, this health journey is a roller coaster ride! Anyone there with me? The ups the downs (emotional and numbers on the scale) is relentless! However, I have had enough! 

I genetically have high blood pressure and have been on blood pressure medicine since I was 23 (I am 25 now, yikes!). Now, I am not by any means super overweight (although my body mass fat percentage weight measurement make me feel like a fat lard numbers tell me I'm obsess…great). However, I don't feel that I look like I am. 

This journey I am about to start is simply for me! To feel good again! I ran a half marathon a year and a half ago and it was the best shape I have been in since high school. I want to get there again and I KNOW that I can. 

Mind you I have three weddings I will be in coming up so I am trying to be the bridesmaid that waddles down the isle! (I kid, I kid) but for real though. 

So TODAY I declare that I will be starting the insanity work out again. It seems for me the best way to get my booty in gear! From there, I would like to run another half marathon before the year ends! 

So since I have declared my goal on my blog that means I have to do it right? I need you all to hold my obese behind accountable! Keep the cake out of my mouth and my feet on those streets ready to run! 

Who is in this with me? Anyone? I could really use your help :) 

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