Friday, April 8, 2016

For Real Friday

I finally feel like my mind just opened up to the possibilities of this world! It's crazy at what this journey has done for me!

I'm reading this book called You're a Badass (which I can't disagree with the author, I totally am ;) ). Anyway this quote really got to me! 

If I want my body to change or my business to change, what am I doing differently? If it's nothing than how can it change? 

If I do something different, then there HAS to be a different result! 

So, if you're on a journey for something different, whether it's physical, career, living situation, whatever it may be, we HAVE to do something different, otherwise expect the SAME results! 

Now some of you are reading this thinking, "wow, she just figured this out!?" And yes I did! Haha but I'm hoping someone out there could use this piece of advice and go out and make a change! 

My Friday link ups! Here   and  Here

1 comment:

  1. That is so true. I found the only way I could get closer to God was spend time in His Word and prayer. Great quote.
