Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I found this link up and thought what a great post!

When I first hear the words inspiration I want to break out in song and start singing "your my inspiration, you bring feeling to my life, your my inspiration." Am I alone in this?

But this post is a link up to the things that inspire you.

My relationship with Christ:
This is the top thing in my life that inspires me. It inspires me to become a better person, to grow deeper in my relationship with Christ, and to follow patiently and faithfully the path he has set before me. This inspiration is unlike no other. When I am obediently following Christ and following his path for me, not my own, my life becomes better. It's kinda hard to describe what I mean by better, but everything just seems to make sense. I loose the anxiety that often fills all of our lives, the pressure of succeeding, making money, and pleasing others. When I focus on GOD I become inspired to live like him. That inspiration can only come from a relationship with him.

My Students:
My students inspire me daily. Working in a low income school district where not knowing a parent (or both parents), divorce, and parent girlfriends/boyfriends are the norm, I find my self inspired by the way these kids handle themselves. At 10 and 11 years old, my students have often seen and experience more than I ever will in my lifetime. Yet they wake up every morning, get dressed, put a smile on their face, and for the most part work hard to succeed. When I am having a bad day, or I complain because something is going wrong in my life, I go to work the next day and often realize that my issues are unlike theirs and if they could trade lives with me I know they would. They are the biggest inspirations on this earth for me. The innocence of a child with experiences that have transformed their lives with out them even knowing inspire me daily to appreciate the life  I have been blessed with and to not take anything for granted.

Blog posts:
Funny that this is the link up for today because last night I read one of the best blog posts out there! Click the link to read, I promise you won't be disappointed. This is a post from Amber at My life in High Heels and man did this speak truth to me!

What inspires you? I can think of many more things including my family and friends, and blogging even! Share with me some of your inspirations below :)

Helene in Between

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for linking up! I can imagine your students inspire you so much! Work definitely inspires me!
